Setup with SQLite

Warning: This part of the documentation is deprecated. Please check the latest version.

By default, LinkAce requires using MySQL for the regular setup. To use SQLite, please follow the specific instructions below depending on whether you use Docker or not.

I currently discourage using SQLite for LinkAce because of ongoing issues with the database system. If you have a MySQL or PostgreSQL database at hand, please use this instead.
Issue related to SQLite: #327

Setup with Docker

Follow the steps 1 and 2 of the Docker installation guide, and do not start the Docker setup now.

The database file needs to be created. You can do this by using the following command which assumes that the database file is located in the same directory as the docker-compose.yml file and is called database.sqlite:

touch database.sqlite
chmod 0777 database.sqlite

To persist your SQLite database, add the following line to the volumes section in your docker-compose.yml file:

  - ./database.sqlite:/app/database/database.sqlite

Replace DB_DATABASE=linkace with DB_DATABASE=/app/database/database.sqlite in your .env file and replace DB_CONNECTION=mysql with DB_CONNECTION=sqlite.
Additionally, add SETUP_COMPLETED=true to the .env file as LinkAce does not support Postgres in the built-in setup yet.
After that run the following command to prepare start the application:

docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it linkace_app_1 php artisan key:generate
docker exec -it linkace_app_1 php artisan migrate
docker exec -it linkace_app_1 php artisan setup:complete

After that, generate a new admin account by running the following command. You will be asked for a username, email address and a password.

docker exec -it linkace_app_1 php artisan registeruser

You can now open LinkAce in your browser and should be able to use the application.

Please make sure to follow the post-installation steps to fully enable all features.

Setup without Docker

Follow the steps 1 to 4 of the regular installation guide, and do not start the built-in setup right now. The database file needs to be created, so run the following command:

touch database/database.sqlite

Replace DB_DATABASE=linkace with DB_DATABASE=/path-to-linkace/database/database.sqlite in your .env file and replace DB_CONNECTION=mysql with DB_CONNECTION=sqlite. After that run the following command to prepare the database:

php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan setup:complete

After that, generate a new admin account by running the following command. You will be asked for a username, email address and a password.

php artisan registeruser

You can now open LinkAce in your browser and should be able to use the application.

Please make sure to follow the post-installation steps to fully enable all features.

Next Step: Post-Setup Steps