LinkAce Upgrade guide

Warning: This part of the documentation is deprecated. Please check the latest version.

General upgrade guide

Please follow these instructions to upgrade LinkAce to a newer version.

Upgrade a Docker installation

LinkAce has its own update script which will guide you through the update process. You can download the script from the repository:

Alternatively, you can run all actions on your own. This might be helpful if you have a non-standard environment.

  1. Stop your current containers:
    docker-compose down
  2. This step only applies to the advanced setup method. Delete the current app volume, where linkace_linkace_app is the name of your volume. You may find the exact name by running docker volume ls, the volume must end with linkace_app.
    docker volume rm linkace_linkace_app
  3. Pull the new image:
    docker pull linkace/linkace
    # or for the simple setup:
    docker pull linkace/linkace:simple
  4. Restart your container:
    docker-compose up -d
  5. Run the database migrations and delete the current cache. Please note that it may take a while until the database is available.
    docker exec -it linkace_app_1 php artisan migrate
    docker exec -it linkace_app_1 php artisan cache:clear
    docker exec -it linkace_app_1 php artisan config:clear
    You may get a warning about running the migration in production mode. You should confirm the migration by answering with yes.

Make sure to check the version-specific upgrade guides to make sure you don’t miss additional important steps.

Upgrade a non-Docker installation

  1. Get the latest version of LinkAce by downloading the package from the releases page. Overwrite all existing files with the new ones. If you want to keep your log files, skip the storage/logs folder.
  2. Run the database migrations which are needed after all updates and delete the current cache:
    php artisan migrate
    php artisan cache:clear
    php artisan config:clear
    You may get a warning about running the migration in production mode. You should confirm the migration by answering with yes.

Make sure to check the version-specific upgrade guides to make sure you don’t miss additional important steps.

Version-specific upgrades

to version 1.10.4

Please take a look at the new docker-compose files and check if they match your setup. Update the volume settings to make sure backups are stored outside the container.

  • If you have enabled backups before, please add BACKUP_MAX_SIZE=512 to your .env file to make sure no old backups are deleted.
  • If you do not want LinkAce to automatically create backups, please add BACKUP_ENABLED=false to your .env file.

to version 1.10.0

There should be no reason to change something specific when upgrading to version 1.10.
However, if you upgraded LinkAce and the setup starts, stop immediately and report this in the discussion forum!

to version 1.6.0

  • The command for cleaning link histories changed from link:cleanup-histories to links:cleanup-histories.
  • You may want to run the links:update-thumbnails command to generate thumbnails for all existing links.

to version 1.4.1

Please add the following two settings to your .env file and fill them with your desired values:

  • MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS (Address which is used to send emails from.)
  • MAIL_FROM_NAME (Name that should be displayed as the sender.)

to version 1.4.0

The Docker image for the simple setup was renamed from linkace/linkace:php-nginx to linkace/linkace:simple. Please change this image name in your docker-compose.yml file.

Required change for simple Docker setup
  • You have to change the destination port from 8080 to 80 in your docker-compose file: "" to ""
  • Remove the following line from the docker-compose file before pulling the new image and starting LinkAce: ./nginx.conf:/opt/docker/etc/nginx/conf.d/linkace.conf:ro

from version v0.0.43 and below to higher

In your .env file: please rename BACKUP_DISK=cloud to BACKUP_DISK=s3. If you have backup notifications enabled, please make sure to set a BACKUP_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL.

from version v0.0.28 and below to higher

Please add SETUP_COMPLETED=true to your .env file to prevent the setup from starting automatically.