LinkAce Upgrade guide

General upgrade guide

Please follow these instructions to upgrade LinkAce to a newer version.

Upgrade a Docker installation

LinkAce has its own update script which will guide you trough the update process. You can download the script from the repository:

Alternatively, you can run all actions on your own. This might be helpful if you have a non-standard environment.

  1. Stop your current containers:
    docker-compose down
  2. This step only applies to the advanced setup method. Delete the current app volume, where linkace_linkace_app is the name of your volume. You may find the exact name by running docker volume ls, the volume must end with linkace_app.
    docker volume rm linkace_linkace_app
  3. Pull the new image:
    docker pull linkace/linkace
  4. Restart your container:
    docker-compose up -d
  5. Run the database migrations and delete the current cache:
    docker exec -it linkace_app_1 php artisan migrate
    docker exec -it linkace_app_1 php artisan cache:clear
    docker exec -it linkace_app_1 php artisan settings:clear-cache
    You may get a warning about running the migration in production mode. You should confirm the migration by answering with yes.

Make sure to check the version-specific upgrade guides to make sure you don’t miss additional important steps.

Upgrade a non-Docker installation

  1. Get the latest version of LinkAce by downloading the package from the releases page. Overwrite all existing files with the new ones. If you want to keep your log files, skip the storage/logs folder.
  2. Run the database migrations which are needed after all updates and delete the current cache:
    php artisan migrate
    php artisan cache:clear
    php artisan settings:clear-cache
    You may get a warning about running the migration in production mode. You should confirm the migration by answering with yes. Make sure to check the version-specific upgrade guides to make sure you don’t miss additional important steps.

Version-specific upgrades

At the moment, no specific steps are required to upgrade to a LinkAce 2 version.